Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

We at Calvary Murrieta honor our journey in missions thus far.  We have been involved in world missions for the past 32 years. We honor and esteem all of our missionaries who have served, and are currently serving, on the field. We recognize their sacrifices and commitment over the years. We also have watched these relationships move from partnerships, to family.   We will be adding to our mission’s legacy a program which we are calling Pioneer Missions. In our effort to see sustainable national churches in regions across the globe, we have decided to adopt two unreached people groups. We know that the Lord desires worshipers from every tribe and nation and we desire to see them reached.


Joining forces with like-valued partners to establish reproducing, life-transforming communities of Christ-followers among forgotten peoples.


Strategic Priorities:

Focusing our efforts and resources for deep and lasting impact.

Passion for God’s Glory:

Longing to see God glorified, we willingly lay aside our safety, security, and self.


Pleading to the Lord of the harvest for more workers and worshipers.


Partnering with like-valued organizations and ministries to continue building the Kingdom of God.

Church-Wide Participation:

Mobilizing everyone at Calvary Murrieta to embrace their unique role in the Great Commission.


We see a vision so awe-inspiring where we witness God’s fingerprints and not just our own efforts. We see the RO and H people groups being discipled, and in turn, discipling their neighbors. We see all of Calvary Murrieta  being changed by anticipating these nations standing before the throne of God. We see this vision being passed along to our children’s children if we are not able to fulfill it in our lifetime. We see our sons and daughters being sent to express both the Love and the Words of Christ. We see these unreached people groups reached.

Missions Prayer Meeting

Join us every month as we pray for our active missionaries.

4th Sunday of every month
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
In the Agape Room

Get Involved!

Preparing to Go: Mission Preparedness Class

Sunday, August 25th
Agape Room

This is a one-day class for those who want to learn to make cross-cultural relationships here and abroad and be part of upcoming missions opportunities.  We are here to take part in a “God-Sized Goal” at Calvary Murrieta, as we embark on our new journey with cross-cultural ministry.  We strive to support our current missionaries and partners. We are seeking to participate in God’s vision for the unreached, and hope this class can be a start to mobilize each individual in this classroom towards their unique role in the Great Commission. Come and find out how!

Please register to attend.

For more information, contact Pastor Larry at [email protected]

Did you know...

That more than a billion people don’t yet have the Bible to read in their own language? The H-People of Asia are one of those “unreached” people groups.  Calvary Murrieta believes everyone deserves to have Scripture in the language they understand (their “heart language”) so that lives can be transformed through God’s Word.

Please consider these facts:
• 70% of Evangelical Christians are unaware that many people around the world have never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
• There are at least 171 million people worldwide who still do not have a single verse of Scripture in their own language.
• Over 1800 people groups worldwide have still never heard the Good News in their own language, that God so loved them that He willingly gave His Son for them to be saved.

(These facts are sourced from The Seed Company 2021)

Help us get the Bible translated for the Hanang People Group through Seed Company!

Can you imagine not having the ability to learn about Jesus through reading His Word because your language has no Bible translation? This is the current situation for the Hanang people group in Asia. We have the opportunity to help provide financially to get the Bible translated into their language. For just $35 a verse, the Hanang people can have the Bible translated into their own heart language.
The Seed Company's current project goal for the Hanang people group, is to have the entire books of Exodus, Matthew, John, and Acts translated, then audio recorded and distributed on SD cards. This process takes a lot of time and effort from everyone in the field. Your donation can help get Bible verses through the arduous process of first drafts,  team checks, comprehension testings, back translations, consultant checks, and the final MP3 audio recordings for use on SD cards for distribution. These books will help strengthen the young church that is growing among the Hanang people group.
Bible translation is a highly technical process that often takes place in some of the world's most difficult environments. Therefore, Seed Company strives to mitigate risks while maximizing the strengths of our partners so that clear, accurate translations are completed on time. Please keep Seed Company Teams in prayer!

The risks and strengths of the Hanang project are as follows:
  • Many Hanang are afraid to become Christians, not want to face opposition or rejection.
  • If a second translator cannot be found, the work may be slowed down.
  • Local authorities disrupted the first project phrase,  so team members must use extreme caution as they continue the work.
  • The translation need is great. The infant Hanang church is hungry for more of God's Word.
  • The team works well together, as logistics are already in place from the first project phase.
  • Local church leaders are very supportive of the team and the goals for this phase.
  • The translator is committed to seeing this project through to completion, whatever the personal cost to himself and his family.

Ready to "Adopt-A-Verse"?

You can give $35 for a verse to be translated or give any amount to the Hanang Project by visiting our Give page or clicking the link below. On the Give page,  just type in the amount and choose "Adopt a Verse" under fund. Thank you for investing in eternity!
Find out more about Seed Company by visiting seedcompany.com

Missionaries That We Support

Meet the individuals and families that we support who are currently out in the mission field, sharing the Gospel as well as bringing support and encouragement to other ministries in the area.

Download their Missionary Info Cards so that you can print them out and post to your fridge or save them on your desktop to help you to remember to keep them in your prayers!


Greg and Nene Litzenberger

Serving the Lord from the U.S.
Greg and Nenet serve with Global Recording Network.
Greg is a recordist focused on audio recording of scripture and Biblically based stories.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Litzenberger, Greg" under Fund


Albert Smith

Serving the Lord in Iquitos, Peru
Church plants: Calvary El Terminal, Calvary Panguana, Calvary Cento Fuerte

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Albert Smith" under Fund
Download Albert's Missionary Info Card



Serving the Lord in Asia
Courtney is serving with Frontiers USA as a missionary.
Download Courtney's Missionary Info Card

Ryan and Julie

Serving the Lord in South Asia
Ryan and Julie serve with Pioneer Bible Translators in South Asia.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Ryan & Julie" under Fund
Download Ryan and Julie's Missionary Info Card

David and Becky

Serving the Lord in South Asia
David and Becky are serving in South Asia as missionary school teachers.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Pham, David" under Fund

Mike and Lorie

Serving the Lord in Southeast Asia
Mike and Lorie are serving in Southeast Asia. They co-labor alongside local ministries.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Mike & Lorie" under Fund

Tyler and Mical Andrews

Serving the Lord in Southeast Asia.
The Andrews are preparing for their move to Southeast Asia, where they will serve unreached communities, including migrants from Myanmar. They need partners for financial and prayer support. Join us in praying for them and consider coming alongside them on this journey.

To give financial support, click here.
To subscribe to their newsletter, click here.


Marleen Van de Voorde

Serving the Lord in Korce, Albania
Marleen is serving with Fonacioni Kenedi as a missionary.

Contact her by mail:
Kissha Ungjellore Korce/Fondacioni Kenedi
Rr. Niko Dodona 6
Korce, Albania

To give financial support, visit kenedifoundation.org
Download Marleen's Missionary Info Card

Urim Zogaj

Serving the Lord in Kosovo
Urim is serving in Malisheve as a national church planter.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Urim Zogaj" under Fund
Download Urim's Missionary Info Card

Paul and Suzanne Luciani

Serving the Lord in Barcelona, Spain
Their vision is "Caring & Training for the Spanish speaking church to reach the unreached if the world."

To give financial support, visit https://uwm.org/missionaries/27310/
Download The Lucinani's Missionary Info Card

Carlos and Valeria Ramos

Serving the Lord in Granada, Spain
Carlos and Valeria are serving with Global Recording Network.

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Ramos, Carlos" under Fund


The Combs Family
(Loren, Jeanna & Caedmon)

Serving the Lord in Cyprus
Contact by mail:
Calvary Chapel Paphos, Cyprus
PO Box 62402, PC 8064, Paphos, Cyprus

To give financial support, visit GIVE
Select "Combs, Loren" under Fund
Download Combs' Missionary Info Card

Organizations We Support

Here are a list of organizations we support because of their missionary work.

Mercy Projects

Mercy Projects, formerly known as Eastern European Outreach (EEO), was founded in 1980 to share the gospel in restricted countries. Today our focus is child and family development, assisting vulnerable children and needy families in Ukraine, Kosovo, and Armenia. We conduct camps to share the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ, and we develop "in-country" ministry solutions by working with Ukrainians and local believers. Mercy Projects strives to keep vulnerable children out of institutions and have them raised in families. Monthly sponsorships provide the support needed to keep these vulnerable children in families.

Partners Relief & Development

1 in 6 children globally are living in conflict zones. They shouldn’t suffer because the adults are fighting.

We act by providing emergency relief during crisis events. Then, we join hands with local communities displaced by war to co-design sustainable development initiatives that transform community wellbeing, improve health and education, and provide a nurturing environment for children to reach their full potential.

Pioneer Bible Translators

Pioneer Bible Translators® exists to disciple the Bibleless, mobilizing God’s people to provide enduring access to God’s Word. Our vision is to see transformed lives through God’s Word in every language. The work is not finished until there are networks of churches using Scripture to grow, mature and multiply in every language group on Earth.

Sixteen:Fifteen Ministries

Sixteen:Fifteen exists to help local churches discover and use their unique gifts in partnership with others to make Christ known among all nations.

A movement of mobilized churches captivated by the Mission of God initiating a new missions movement among least reached and unreached peoples world over, unleashing radical compassion, sacrificial generosity, and prayer saturated strategies to make Christ known.

Haiti Endowment Fund

Haiti Endowment Fund is a non-profit, NGO (non-government organization) that has been working actively in Haiti for over thirty-five years. HEF has worked in the Central Plateau region of Haiti, with our compound located in the town of Hinche.

HEF provides education via 13 sponsored schools to over 3,000 children daily, also providing over 3,000 hot meals to the students each day, we support on an ongoing basis 17 local sponsored churches, agriculture projects including chicken and fish, wells and cisterns in remote locations, as well as hosting numerous events for women, children, pastors and other conferences. A high priority is given to directly working with the local leadership to provide much needed Community Development.

Contact Information

Encourage or support our active missionaries

Contact our Missions Pastor Larry Hansen.