Welcome to Community Groups! Here we want to help you connect with others in a community of learners and leaders who seek to Love God Completely, Love People Authentically, and Make Disciples Globally. Our trained hosts look forward to hanging out and hosting Bible based discussions and times of prayer.

Upcoming Events

Community Groups Spring Session!

Sign-ups are open!
Beginning the week of February 3rd
Various days, times and locations

When we take time to listen and share what God is showing us through His Word and Worship, those truths take root in our lives. Community Groups offer a place and space in the week to do just that. Groups will run from the first week of February until the last week of April. These are for all stages and ages, singles and marrieds. Groups can fill up fast, so sign up now!

If you have any questions, contact Pastor Andrew Paulsen at [email protected]

Contact Information

Pastor Andrew Paulsen
951-677-5667 ext. 1360
[email protected]

Have a question?

We'd love to connect with you. Fill out the form below to get started.