Types of Cross Cultural Teams

Cross Cultural Outreach

Crosses a culture here in the USA or crosses a border to support a like-valued agency or ministry. This team will cross barriers such as a differing language, culture, or religion.

Vision Trip

Has focused intentional time where we ask God to open our hearts to the plight of the local people.  We will pray and investigate how best to demonstrate the love of Christ to them and how to bring the gospel to that area. Often, in these locations, there will be no established church or ministry.

Learning Experience

We will travel as learners, eager to have our minds expanded and preconceptions challenged. This category includes those who desire to use their vocation in the service of Christ (for example: builders, surgeons, teachers, accountants, mechanics, etc.). It is important that these individuals be open to learning from God and the nationals whom they are serving while they are passing on their expertise.

Care Team

This may also be referred to as “Member Care”. The purpose and goal of this team is to regularly check-on and encourage a field worker. Normally, this is a very small team preferably comprised of individuals with some counseling experience and a personal connection with the field worker.

Preparing to Go: Mission Preparedness Class

Sunday, August 25th
Agape Room

This is a one-day class for those who want to learn to make cross-cultural relationships here and abroad and be part of upcoming missions opportunities.  We are here to take part in a “God-Sized Goal” at Calvary Murrieta, as we embark on our new journey with cross-cultural ministry.  We strive to support our current missionaries and partners. We are seeking to participate in God’s vision for the unreached, and hope this class can be a start to mobilize each individual in this classroom towards their unique role in the Great Commission. Come and find out how!

Please register to attend.

For more information, contact Pastor Larry at [email protected]

Upcoming Trips


June 19-27, 2024

Support of the local church and youth ministry in the local community.


November 1-11, 2024

Youth Camp and visiting "at-risk" children. Ministering to a local Leper Colony.
Interested in going to one of these Cross Cultural Trips?
Please contact Pastor Larry for more information at [email protected] or fill out the Contact Us form below.


Missions is the fulfillment of Jesus’ mandate to make disciples of all nations, as such it is the purposeful cross-cultural sending to an ethnolinguistic people group. The core of missions is the fulfillment of Jesus’ mandate to an unreached people group, where the sound of the Gospel cannot be heard and a lack of access exists.


Outreach is reaching out to people both within and outside of your local community to share the love of Christ through connection and service. It is the practice of serving those around you and revealing who Jesus is to those who have not yet made the decision to follow Jesus.


Discipleship is entering into relationships with the purpose of developing disciples who trust and follow Jesus through the pursuit of an intimate knowledge of Jesus Christ. The chief end of disciple making is to worship God and enjoy Him forever. A disciple is someone who is following Jesus, being changed by Jesus, and is committed to the mission of Jesus.


Sharing our faith is revealing the good news to all, by specifically sharing the message and teaching of Jesus, and our own lives, for the purpose of salvation

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