" And they devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."

Acts 2:42

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A building is just a building. Yet, within the confines of a building used for church is a house consecrated to the worship of God.

At its core, the church is a deeply interconnected community.

Within the buildings and grounds where that community gathers, are places where the very purpose of church happens. A deeply interconnected community seeking to devote themselves to the apostles’ teaching, fellowship and breaking bread with each other, and prayer.

Over the next two years, it is our vision to expand, remodel, and build at Calvary Murrieta to allow for more physical spaces and moments where we can fulfill that purpose.

Places where we can fulfill Calvary Murrieta’s mission by seeking to love God completely by learning who He is through teaching, love people authentically by engaging in fellowship and community with them and pray as we seek to make disciples globally.

Over the last two years, we have prayed and sought wisdom from experts to determine how to best use the space we have been entrusted with at Calvary Murrieta to allow for the very things we seek to accomplish – teaching, fellowship, community, and prayer.

As we face forward, we are excited to remodel the sanctuary and build a multi-purpose room in order to allow for more and better equipped spaces for teaching. We are going to create a new courtyard and a small coffee shop with a focus on areas where our community can fellowship and build stronger community. We are going to construct a new building to allow for dedicated space for teaching and fellowship for our Spanish ministry and all our youth ministry programs. We are going to build comfortable spaces, larger spaces, multi-purpose spaces, and outdoor spaces where our church community can come together in fellowship and prayer for our local community, our globe, and each other.
*Please note that the proposed renderings from our architect are not the exact plans, but ideas. Renderings are subject to modifications, due to timing, material, costs, etc.

Current Building Status:

We are now in Phase 2B which includes the reconstruction of the front of the Sanctuary and foyer, the Cafe and exterior upgrades to the courtyard.
During the next two months you will have the opportunity to learn more about our vision for Calvary Murrieta, our church community, and the buildings and spaces that house that community as we worship together. You will also have the opportunity to pray about making a unique commitment, either as a one-time for gift or over the course of the next few years to contribute to that vision financially.

We will give updates monthly to let you know the current status of construction an what to expect!

How does the building project advance our church’s mission, vision, and values?

At Calvary, we value relationship, and we want to update our campus layout to give more opportunities for people to fellowship between services or after gatherings. Currently, there are not many places for people to casually fellowship, and we want to have a campus that clearly encourages people to sit and spend time with each other.
We also value instruction and desire to have rooms that are built to accommodate teaching and learning together. Most of our rooms were originally designed as school classrooms, and we are planning to have rooms better designed for church instruction needs.
As we value stewardship, we are seeking not to take funds away from other areas of church ministry. We will continue to give to missions, people in need, and provide for ministry programs and staff. Stewardship is not only about handling money, but about utilizing the building we’ve been blessed with in the best way possible, and from time to time that means updating things for the needs of the church.
We value participation and hope our church body will come together to be part of building up our campus. The body has been generous to needs over the years, and we want one day for everyone to be able to see how they contributed to a new season of the life of our church.

Creating a church building designed for our current and future needs is part of our mission to love people authentically. It reflects our care for various ministries, including our younger members who have long been in need of more space. The improvements will help us love God and each other as we build a place to spend quality time together as family.

Watch the CM Family Meeting

Q: When will the remodel begin and when is it expected to be finished?
A: The remodel will start in Summer of 2023 as soon as we receive permitting from the City of Murrieta to begin. We hope it will be complete Fall of 2024.
Q: Will the remodel happen in phases and what will happen in each phase?
A: The remodel will happen in three phases.

The first phase of the remodel will begin when the preschool moves down to the CMCS campus, and the current preschool is turned into a multi-purpose/overflow/fellowship room. We can’t wait to get started!

The second phase of the remodel will begin soon thereafter and will include a remodel of the sanctuary (larger – much needed sound booth and fixing acoustics), creation of a larger foyer and new entrance/exit, a courtyard filled with opportunities for fellowship, and a coffee shop that gives us sufficient caffeine and food to break bread together.

The third phase will be the remodeling of all of the existing modulars to create new Junior High classrooms for Calvary Murrieta Christian School (and breakout rooms for CM Ministries) and the construction of a brand new building for Youth Ministries (multi-purpose rooms, hangout spaces, and recreation room).
Q: How much will the whole remodel/building project cost?
A: The projected budget for the entirety of all phases is approximately 4.5 million dollars. 1.5 million will be invested by CMCS. The rest will be raised through the Church congregation or given by general church funds that we received through the sale of the property on Clinton Keith.
Q: What is the financial state of Calvary Murrieta and Calvary Murrieta Christian Schools?
A: Currently, Calvary Murrieta has no debt, and both the Church and School have healthy reserves that will be maintained throughout the building/remodel process.
Q: I still have a few more questions about the remodel/building project. How can I get them answered?
A: If you have any questions, please contact Jen Bursch, Calvary Murrieta's  Executive Director and responsible for the remodel/building efforts and church finances. You may email her at [email protected].
  • Thank the Lord for providing for the church, helping us steward His resources, and expanding our ministries.
  • For wisdom as decisions large and small are made.
  • That the church will be unified as we build together.
  • For joyfully generous hearts to participate in funding the building effort.
  •  That this effort will lead to new stronger fellowship, teaching, and school and church ministries.

Have a question about Building on Faith?

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