"Jesus said, “Love your neighbor as yourself."

Matthew 22:39

We believe that we are called to reach our communities for Christ. By working alongside and serving in our community, our hope is that we will demonstrate a genuine faith in Christ by how we love and engage with our neighbors. We want to display a living faith that will bring glory to the Lord by simply being His hands and feet. Let’s make a difference in our community and be a blessing to our local friends and neighbors. How about we all start in our own specific neighborhoods?

“If you look at every flower individually, they look quite miserable. Put them together in a vase and they become a bouquet and that’s quite attractive. I think about our community often in that way.”  
Henri Nouwen

Community Outreach Opportunities

These are local organizations that Calvary Murrieta has been involved with.  Find out ways you can come alongside them by visiting their websites.
Community Food Pantry of Murrieta
We love being involved in our local food pantry.  They help the community with nutritious food and other resource assistance to help them get back on their feet.  There are various ways to help at the pantry, so give them a call and get involved!

39493 Los Alamos Rd., Ste A, Murrieta 92563

California Family Life Center
This organization is phenomenal. They do some much for the youth in our community that I’m unable to even list all the resources that are available through them. There home base is in Hemet, but they have various centers in the valley. Their mission is to provide safety, comfort, and healing to children suffering abuse and abandonment; to teach love and trust, to instill self-esteem, values, and hope for the future, and in doing so, assist children trapped in hopelessness. Some of their services include foster care, kin care, youth homes, job training, and more. They LOVE volunteers!

930 N. State St., Hemet, Ca

Operation SafeHouse/RCAHT (Riverside County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force)
The task force is a combination of law enforcement, victim services, and community partners. Operation SafeHouse is the NGO that provides services to the survivors. We have assisted them in many ways, including buying Christmas gifts, helping with educational costs, mentoring, and more.  The SafeHouse also provides emergency shelter, intervention, and outreach services to youth in crisis. We are blessed by the opportunity to partner with them any way we can. They appreciate Calvary so much!

9685 Hayes St., Riverside, Ca 92503
24-Hour Hotline: (855) 758-3733

Rebirth Homes
This ministry is AMAZING! They exist to combat human trafficking through education, awareness, and by providing a residential, holistic healing program for survivors. They journey with survivors as they become empowered to be all they were created to be. You can go to their website and see the list of various needs they have, as well as ways to be involved. We love and trust them. You will too.

(951) 394-8142

Olive Crest: Strong Families, Safe Kids
Calvary is considered a “Strong-Family” Church in our valley. This is a faith-based movement motivated by compassion, generosity, and hospitality to keep children safe and families supported while facing a crisis. Basically, it’s a step before foster care.  Members of the church open their homes for a short time while the parents work through the challenges they are facing. It’s a voluntary program and an amazing way to help a whole family heal and stay together. To learn more about this great ministry, contact Paula Thompson.

Paula Thompson
(951) 367-5248
[email protected]

ICA (International Christian Adoption)
This organization is near and dear to our hearts. They have done so much for “at risk” youth. They exist to offer HOPE to children! They have many programs, including Adoption and Foster Hosting, Refugee Foster Care, and more. They have a counseling center, a learning center, and have a Fair-Trade Store called Jubilee Exchange in Temecula. We have been involved with them in many projects and it’s a great place to volunteer. If you’d like more information, reach out to them using the contact info below.

41745 Rider Way, Temecula

Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the Inland Empire
We believe that mentoring youth can change futures and this is the goal of their programs.  They create one-to-one matches for youth in our community who want to realize their full potential. Through mentoring, they hope to decrease the number of disconnected youth in our valley. Mentors need to be 18 or older, and volunteers are matched with children ages 6 to 16. Go to their website to learn more about their programs. We have seen the fruit from mentoring youth … pray and see if this is something the Lord wants YOU to do! Offering wisdom, guidance, love, and HOPE to a child is certainly a way to be the hands of Jesus!

2155 Chicago Ave., suite 100, Riverside

Elsinore Valley Pregnancy Resource Center
 Elsinore Valley Pregnancy Resource Center affirms the lives of women and their babies through compassionate support, practical help, and hope for the future. They have been serving our community since 2005 through compassionate listening, needs assessment, material assistance, and by offering parenting and life-skill workshops. They are currently expanding their commitment to the community by adding ultrasound capabilities to their clients as soon as their medical suite is completed, which is currently in the construction phase.  All of their services are free of charge.

31735 Riverside Dr, Suite A in Lake Elsinore
24/7 Hotline at 951-245-8884

Camp Alandale
Camp Alandale is a Christian camp for children in the Foster Care system. Our mission is to introduce abused children to the life changing and healing reality of Jesus Christ and equip them to lead meaningful and productive lives. We accomplish this by providing summer and winter camp programs for children ages 9-18. Every camp session is intentionally small so that each child receives the proper amount of supervision, love, and care needed to make them feel safe, valued, and protected. Our goal is to have a 2:1 camper-to-counselor ratio in the summer and a 1:1 camper-to-counselor ratio in the winter.

Camp Alandale is a Christian non-profit organization that serves abused and neglected children through a mountain camp program. We are not affiliated with any church or denomination. The ministry of Camp Alandale is fully supported by donations of time and finances from churches, companies, and individuals.
Since 1980, over 4,000 children have been touched by the love of Jesus Christ.

Project T.O.U.C.H.
The Face of Homelessness has changed…Since our foundation in 2003, we have fought and advocated for those in need to receive the most basic and essential human needs. Since 2007, we have been providing a dedicated call center serving our local Police Departments 24/7.  

For over a decade now Project T.O.U.C.H. has operated an annual winter shelter for our most vulnerable citizens serving approximately 40-50 people every night (December through April). Our year round self-sustaining transitional housing program does not receive any federal government funding, and serves over 225 individuals daily with an average of 40 - 55 children, single mothers, men & women, emancipated foster youth, domestic violence victims, seniors, mentally and physically disabled, veterans and entire families.

Both programs provide comprehensive case management, employment assistance, transportation, food, clothing, medical assistance and more!  We answer 1000’s of calls annually, walking alongside those in need to give resources and support to homeless and potentially homeless individuals and families - providing a safety net of Love & Hope...servicing the most vulnerable in our community.

29760 Rancho California Rd #107B, Temecula, CA 92591

Admin Office: (951) 677-9661
Thrift Store: (951) 365-0785
[email protected]

Thank you to those who attended the EVPRC Gala 2023! 

Watch this video commemorating this special event that we were blessed to host here at Calvary Murrieta.
Find out what Elsinore Valley Pregnancy Resource Center is all about.

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